After signing The Declaration on Improving Social Policy in the Western Balkans in November, under the Project Social Dimension Initiative (SDI), the Mentoring Support Training for 65 municipalities in WB started. The Municipal Social projects development programme ensures the ability in understanding the project planning process as well as the identification of needs within the local community and the development of skills required for drafting quality project proposals.
The focus is on supporting local socio-economic development actors as well as Centres for Social Work and other local stakeholders with intention to improve local socio-economic picture including social infrastructure. Civil society organizations will be involved as well for improvement of local employment opportunities and social services at the local level.
First training day was organised by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in collaboration with Nisma per Ndryshim Shoqeror ARSIS for #SDI Mentoring Support Trainings last week in Tirana on 25th of February. In the training participated representatives of 11 Municipalities selected for the development programme on social projects.